Saturday, 18 June 2011

Not What it Said on the Can

Noel,  thanks for the avocado tips, i am really getting into them. i even incorporated one into my dinner last night. can avos be addictive?

Conny, thanks for skipping advice. i hope weather is good for you.   as for the skipping, big improvement. happened when i got up late for work one day, take luck where you can get it eh! now this morning i even did my first 'crossover" skip. wasnt in my allotted jumps but i thought i would give it a go when i finished. first attempt, bingo. could only do one of course. couldnt do another one consecutively. wasnt even an OMG moment, more a Bill & Ted's "yeah" moment.  i realise we are not talkin a moon landing here but it's something i've had in the back of mind and wanted to do since i started PCP. so, probably more what Bill Clinton felt like the first time he "didnt" with Monica. it was exciting. "do it again, do it again" shouted the voice in my head. probably much like Clinton as he ambled to the restroom not to clean himself up after  he didnt. so five attempts later i managed another crossover. "quit while you're ahead" the voice in my head said, so that's what i did. 

 first attempt at pull ups. bar broke and i landed flat on my back. even alone at 5.30 am i still had a look about to check nobody was looking. I live in HK and i bought this at my local Dept store. Before anybody asks, it was made in Taiwan. made me wonder why the chinese want taiwan back if this is representative of their manufacturing industry. i hope they are a bit better with microchips.

wondered into a local supermarket to buy some natural yogurt. there it was on the shelf. i bought it, thinking "job done". but no. when i got it home and tasted it, i thought something was amiss. lets be honest, plain natural yogurt tastes like puke but this was ok. surprised, i checked the label.   

Ingredients;  water, milk solid, emulsifyer, live lactic culture

maybe i am being a tad pedantic here. and maybe i am completely wrong but this doesnt seem to be "natural plain yogurt", which is what is said on the tub. now i havent spoken to my lawyer, so i dont know my legal position and i dont want to get sued by the manufacturer. so, i wont name the the company responsible.

shame on you NESTLE.


  1. In the televised version of "PCP reality show" your first pull up breaking the bar and then looking around for any observers is a ratings winner.

    Are you going to return the faulty bar?

  2. Wish I was there to see you fall. ;)

  3. What part of the pull up bar broke? Did it come off its fixture? Very unusual! Good for you for keeping it positive though!

  4. nice post dude...glad you came away from the fall none the worse for wear. Plain yogurt isn't the best thing taste wise, I used to get some low fat steam milk at starbucks which I found an ok substitute, add a little cinnamon and a TINY drop of honey...not half bad.

  5. For the yoghurt, I would try making it into a smoothie for your morning fruit break.

    Patrick said you don't need to have the milk/yoghurt in the morning but at any time during the day, so why don't you whizz it up in a blender with some berries (frozen or fresh) or bananas or a combo of other fruit from within your fruit grams.

    I had plain low fat yoghurt on frozen berries for dessert the other night and they were good.
